
Archive for the ‘Extension’ Category

Deploying SQL scripts from staging server to production server was always a nightmare, if not handled properly. I remember, we used to keep scripts in a respective folder and number them in order not to miss any scripts for the deployment, as you know that if a single script is missed from deployment, it is a BOOM.

SQL Server Schema compare extension is one of the best extensions in Azure Data Studio when it comes to comparing & deploying SQL script changes from staging to production database. In other words, you can compare and deploy scripts between any two databases. This extension reduced SQL script migration effort from days to just few minutes only.

Let me create development & production databases’ scripts to demonstrate the functionality of SQL Server Schema compare extension in detail.

  • Sample Databases: (Development & Production)
  • --Creating development database
    USE DevelopmentDB
    --Creating employee table
    CREATE TABLE Employee(
    EmployeeID INT NOT NULL,
    EmployeeName VARCHAR(100),
    BirthDate DATE);
    --Inserting data in employee table
    INSERT INTO Employee(EmployeeID,EmployeeName,BirthDate)
    VALUES(1,'Davolo Nancy','1948-12-08'),
          (2,'Fuller Andrew','1952-02-19'),
          (3,'Leverling Janet','1963-08-30');
    --Creating production database
    USE ProductionDB
    --Creating employee table 
    CREATE TABLE Employee(
    EmployeeID INT NOT NULL,
    EmployeeName VARCHAR(100),
    BirthDate DATE);
    --Inserting data in employee table 
    INSERT INTO Employee(EmployeeID,EmployeeName,BirthDate)
    VALUES(1,'Davolo Nancy','1948-12-08'),
          (2,'Fuller Andrew','1952-02-19'),
          (3,'Leverling Janet','1963-08-30');
    SELECT * FROM Employee;
  • Installation:
  • Let’s install the extension first in few simple steps. I found the installation pretty straightforward.

    Step 1:

    You need to open Azure Data Studio, then click on View menu and then click on Extensions or use shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+X as shown below.

    Step 2:

    This will open Extensions Marketplace window where you can search SQL Server Schema Compare extension and install it by clicking Install button as shown below.

    Step 3:

    As we can see SQL Server Schema Compare extension is installed now and it is ready to use.

  • Configuration:
  • Let’s configure SQL Server Schema Compare extension step by step.

    Step 1:

    The first step is to connect to the SQL server instance which databases we need to compare. Let’s click on top left toolbar named Connections then click on New Connection button as shown below:

    Step 2:

    Now, SQL Server new connection window will open up and then you can fill the Server Name / IP address and Authentication type. I will connect via Windows Authentication in this step but you can also connect via SQL Server Authentication by providing user name and password then press Connect button to connect to respective SQL Server as shown below.

    Step 3:

    As you can see below, the respective SQL Server is connected and configuration is completed.

  • Schema Compare:
  • Since we installed and configured the extension, let’s compare the schema of two databases in the SQL Server connected in the earlier steps.

    Step 1:

    First step is to start comparing schema of two databases by right clicking on server name and selecting schema compare as shown below:

    Step 2:

    Scheme Compare menu will open Schema Compare window where you can select source and target SQL Server and databases connection by clicking () button as shown below.

    Step 3:

    Once you click on one of the three dots (…) button, it will open both source and target SQL server and database connection window as shown below. Here, you need to carefully select the SQL Server and database in order to compare it and press OK button.

    Step 4:

    Once you press OK button, you will return to Schema Compare window and you are ready to compare schema of source database to target database.

    Step 5:

    Now, you need to just press the Compare button to compare the schema of source and target database as shown below,

    Step 6:

    Now you can see, it is being compared and no difference found as shown below.

  • Testing:
  • Let’s test this extension.

    Step 1:

    Now, let’s do some changes in development database and then compare it again. Given below are the scripts.

    USE DevelopmentDB;
    --Adding salary column in Employee Table
    ALTER TABLE Employee ADD salary DECIMAL;
    --Adding Primary key in Employee Table
    ALTER TABLE Employee ADD PRIMARY KEY (EmployeeID);
    --Creating View using Employee Table 
    CREATE VIEW vw_Employee AS
    SELECT EmployeeID, EmployeeName
    FROM Employee
    WHERE EmployeeName like 'dav%';
    --Creating Procedure using Employee Table
    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_Employee_List 
    SELECT Employee.EmployeeName
    FROM Employee
    WHERE  Employee.BirthDate='1948-12-08';

    Step 2:

    Now, changes are already done in development database. Let’s click on Compare button again to see the changes.

    Step 3:

    After comparing, we can see below that it detected the above changes in development database in comparison with Production Database. There is an Action column which indicates about the type of changes. There are other columns as well which gives you more details about the changes in schema and it is self explanatory.

  • Deployment:
  • As we can see above, the difference in schema in source and target database is captured by schema compare extension and it gives us TWO options to deploy these scripts in Target database (Production).

    Option 1: Generate Script

    Step 1:

    This option generates the change script as shown below. By default, it generates all scripts checked in the include column but you can also uncheck some of the scripts which you do not want to generate the script. It gives us freedom to deploy the script(s) at a later stage. This option can be very handy where we have a separate deployment team.

    Step 2:

    Once you click on the Generate Script button, it opens up like this and shows the script. You can save the script for later deployment or you can execute it immediately in the target server & database. It also gives us message that scripts generated successfully, as shown below.

    Option 2: Apply

    Step 1:

    This extension provides another option to deploy the scripts immediately by simply clicking on APPLY button. In this step, you need to first select the script(s) to be deployed on the target server & database from include column. After that just click on APPLY button.

    Step 2:

    After that, it asks for the confirmation for the deployment. Please confirm by clicking on Yes button.

    Step 3:

    Upon confirmation, the target database gets updated with the changes in the source database as shown below:

    Step 4:

    Now, you can compare again by pressing Compare button to check the differences and if successfully deployed then you will get given below message (No schema differences were found.)


    Given below Options button gives us the flexibility to select what options should be compared in the source and target databases schema.

    Step 1:

    Once you click on Options button, it opens up Schema Compare Options window which has two tabs General Options / Include Object Types, by default most of the options are selected but many other options can be checked and unchecked from here in order to customize this compare.

    Step 2:

    Once you are done with the selection, just press OK button or you can Reset it to default settings by pressing Reset button.

    Switch direction:

    As the names implies in switch direction, this option is very handy because sometimes we select source as target and vice versa. You can just fix it by simply clicking on this button as shown below.

    Direction has been changed as shown below:

    Open .scmp file & Save .scmp file:

    This option gives us the flexibility to save the configuration, what we did so far in the above steps and opens it up at later stage. With the help of this option, you can create all the configuration settings one time and save it and then reuse it again and again.

    Clean Database:

    In order to clean up the databases, we can use given below dode.

    DROP DATABASE DevelopmentDB;
    DROP DATABASE ProductionDB;


    This is a very handy extension, when it comes to script deployment. Do let me know, how do you deploy your scripts.

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    History of query becomes very important when you really need the earlier version of your query, in case you do not have backups or you want to know which queries have been executed earlier in your respective database.

    In SQL Server Management Studio, you can achieve it by running given below query but as per SQL Server documentation, the lifetime of the given below rows are tied to the plan itself. When a plan is removed from the cache, the corresponding rows are eliminated from this view and you cannot find the query in the history. Also, if your administrator restarts the server, you will lose the entire history. There is also a limitation that you can only get the queries executed successfully; failed queries will not be there in the history.

    • Query History in SQL Server Management Studio

    USE AdventureWorks2019
    SELECT last_execution_time
         , text 
    FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats stats 
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle)  
           last_execution_time DESC 

    • Query History in Azure Data Studio

    Fortunately, there is an extension available in Azure Data Studio to get the history of query and there is no limitation like I mentioned above.

    Query History Extension Installation:

    Let’s install the extension step by step.

    Step 1: First of all, please click on View menu which is on the left top of the screen, then click on Extensions as shown below. You can also use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+X to open Extensions window.


    Step 2: Extensions window is now open. Let’s search the Query History extension as shown below and click on Install button.

    Step 3: As you can see the Query History extension is installed as shown below.

    Query History Extension Application:

    Since, we have installed query history extension successfully, let’s use it step by step.

    Step 1: Next step is to view the Output window, let’s go to View menu and then click on Output menu as shown below. Or you can also use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+U.

    Step 2: Output window has appeared as shown below.

    Step 3: Now, let’s open a New Query window to run some queries and see the query history. To do this you need to go to File menu and then click on New Query, or you can use shortcut Ctrl+N.

    Step 4: New Query window is opened as shown below. Please connect the respective database to run queries.

    Step 5: Now, we need to execute some queries on Azure Data Studio to see the query history, as shown in the Query History window.

    Sections of Query History window:

    There are four sections in query history as shown below.

    1. Status icon: This section shows the status of query.
      If a query has executed successfully, we can see a green tick on it.
      If a query has error, we can see a cross sign in red which shows that the query has failed.
    2. Query Text: This section shows the actual query.
    3. Connection Info: This section shows the conection info like Server and Database name.
    4. TimeStamp: This section shows the timestamp when you executed the query.

    Options in Query History:

    Query history provides multiple options when you right-click on the query. You get the following options on the context menu:

    • Open Query.
    • Run Query.
    • Delete.
    • Clear History.

      Let’s discuss these options in detail.
    • Open Query:

    The Open Query option opens the selected query from query history in a new query widow using the same connection as shown below.

    • Run Query:

    The Run Query option opens the selected query from query history in a new query widow using the same connection and execute it immediately as shown below.

    • Delete:

    The Delete option permanently deletes the selected row from query history.

    • Clear History:

    The Clear History option clears the entire query history.

    Query Window: Play / Pause options:

    On the right top of the Query window, you can see a play / pause button. This feature gives us the flexibity to stop or start recording query history.


    Query History extension is very useful; you can view query history without much effort in Azure Data Studio.

    Let me know if you use this extension and how user friendly you found it.

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