
Archive for the ‘Azure Data Studio’ Category

‘Filtration’ is one of the greatest features available in Azure Data Studio. You can filter data same like excel. I have written an article about it in detail. Recently, while using filter option in Azure Data Studio, I came across an error as shown below.

Let me demonstrate why we came across this error and how we can solve this error. The reason behind this error is that the maximum number of rows allowed to do filtering and sorting has exceeded, so we need to increase the threshold in order to filter table which can be done by the following steps.

Step 1:

In Azure Data Studio, click on the Manage option in the left bottom of the window as shown below.

Step 2: 

In Manage, click on Settings option as shown below.


Step 3: 

It will open Settings window, please select Data menu. In Data menu, click on Query Editor as shown below.

Step 4:

We just need to change In Memory Data Processing Threshold option, and change the threshold as per our requirement. As shown below, we have changed it from 5000 to 10000. 5000 is default value.


Increasing the Memory Data Processing Threshold will resolve this error, but it will slow down your Azure Data Studio. Please remember to handle it carefully.

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From the beginning of SQL Server, we used to filter data from any table with the help of WHERE Clause. Can we filter data without WHERE clause? The answer was a Big NO before Azure Data Studio but it is possible in Azure Data Studio. Curious?

Let me demostrate it with the help of examples.

Example 1: (Filter single column data)

  • Using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS):

In SSMS, we use WHERE clause in order to filter the data as shown below.

USE AdventureWorks2019

SELECT  BusinessEntityID
      , FirstName
	  , LastName
      , ModifiedDate 
FROM    Person.Person
WHERE   FirstName = 'Abraham';

  • Using Azure Data Studio:

Step 1:

First of all, you need to write a query without WHERE clause and run it. After that just click on show filter button as highlighted below and it opens up the filter window.

Step 2:

In this step, you just need to select the respective value, which you want to filter. Since I selected FirstName as “Abraham” and pressed ok, it will show all employees having “Abraham” as first name as shown below.

Example 2: (Filter using wildcard techniques)

  • Using SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS):

In SSMS, we use WHERE clause in order to filter the data as shown below.

USE AdventureWorks2019

SELECT EmailAddressID
     , EmailAddress
     , ModifiedDate 
FROM   Person.EmailAddress
WHERE  EmailAddress LIKE 'Kendra0%' OR EmailAddress LIKE 'kendall0%';


  • Using Azure Data Studio:

Step 1:

First of all, you need to write a query without WHERE clause and run it. After that, you just need to click on show filter button as highlighted below and it opens up the filter window.

Step 2:

In this step, you just need to select the respective value which you want to filter. Since I selected EmailAddress “kendra0% ” or “kendall0%” and pressed ok, it will show all EmailAddresses having “kendra0% ” or “kendall0%” as EmailAddress as shown below.


I use Azure Data Studio for filtering the data and found it quite helpful and hassle free. Do let me know if you use it.

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